June 3, 2020

Summer Social Media

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Summer Social Media Tip #1:Take the Time to Understand Your Audiences’ Summer Priorities and Schedules Summer can mean something different for everyone. Sometimes it means freedom for the normal daily grind. Sometimes it means having to rearrange everything to take care of school-age children. Or perhaps it means more vacations or weekend adventures. Everyone is different. This means that it is up to you to take the time to understand your specific audience’s summers. Once
At first glance – it does not look like you can – the upload icon is missing… Some of you may ask – why would I even need this? All my photos are already on my phone. This applies more to photographers (and me! Digital marketers need to upload customer’s images) and other people who need to load their photos onto their computers. Here’s the step by step: Step 1: login to Instagram on your

November 7, 2018

Winter is Coming…

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Yeah, I went there, but you know what, it is coming and for most business owners, this means a drop in sales. But lets make the best of it – this is the perfect time for a website overhaul or perhaps even a new social media campaign or blog! The problem is while business might slow down, your life doesn’t. Holiday parties, children’s school pageants, lots of baking and in our case here in the
You have put in the work for a website, but you haven’t seen much of an increase in traffic. Why might that be? For a lot of companies, the lack of web traffic has much to do with the fact they are not coming up when potential customers search for their goods or services. These days, if you do not rank well on Google, your company will suffer. So, what can you do about it?

Free consultation to first time clients to discuss your company’s marketing needs and to see what I can do to help!