Did you know you can post photos on Instagram from your computer? There’s a trick!

At first glance – it does not look like you can – the upload icon is missing…

Some of you may ask – why would I even need this? All my photos are already on my phone. This applies more to photographers (and me! Digital marketers need to upload customer’s images) and other people who need to load their photos onto their computers.

Here’s the step by step:

Step 1: login to Instagram on your computer Step 2: right click somewhere on the screen Step 3: click on “Inspect” Step 4: this opens a code inspection tool – I know it looks crazy, but you only need one thing here Step 5: On the split screen to the right, there is a little logo in the top left that looks like a tablet and phone – click this Step 6: This will change the way you are viewing the page, and it should give you the regular icons you would have on your phone – including the post (plus sign) – if you do not have them right away, you may need to refresh the page

VoilĂ ! You can now upload any photos you have saved on your computer!